Saturday 2 March 2013

PAL goes Social

With the world becoming social through Facebook, Twitter & Instagram, PAL does not want to be left behind.

Aside from PAL's official website, the airline also has multiple social media accounts. Through PAL's Facebook Page, Twitter & Instagram accounts, passengers can post comments on their wall/tweet them to give feedback regarding their services and their overall flight experience. With these social media accounts, passengers will get updates regarding PAL.

PAL's Facebook Page -

 PAL's Official Twitter Account -

PAL's Instagram Account -

By asking consumers questions such as "If you could choose any celebrity to be your seatmate on the plane, who would it be and why" on their Facebook Page, PAL is encouraging consumers to interact with them. Having these social media accounts is a great opportunity for PAL to stay connected with their passengers. 

Do you follow social media accounts for updates from companies such as PAL?